5 Expert Tips from an Orthodontist for Invisalign Oral Care

August 1, 2024

Invisalign is a popular choice for many adults and teens in Huntington Beach due to its discreet appearance and convenience. However, maintaining proper oral care during your Invisalign treatment is crucial to achieving the best results. Here are five expert tips from our orthodontists at Magic Fox Orthodontics to ensure your Invisalign journey is smooth and successful.

1. Clean Daily: Maintain Hygiene with a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush and Lukewarm Water

Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is essential to avoid plaque buildup and staining. Here's how you can ensure they remain spotless:

Morning and Night Routine

Start and end your day by gently brushing your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and scratch the clear plastic. Instead, use a gentle, clear, non-toxic soap if necessary. 

This routine helps remove any food particles, bacteria, and plaque that may have accumulated during the day or night. Consistent cleaning not only keeps your aligners clear but also helps to maintain good oral hygiene, preventing bad breath and potential dental issues.

Preventing Stains

To prevent staining, always remove your aligners before consuming beverages like coffee, tea, or wine. These drinks can leave behind stubborn stains on your aligners, making them more noticeable. 

After enjoying your favorite beverage, rinse your mouth with water before reinserting your aligners to prevent any residual staining. Consistently removing your aligners before eating and drinking ensures that they remain as invisible as possible, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful smile throughout your treatment.

2. Rinse Regularly: Keep Your Aligners Fresh

Each time you remove your aligners, it’s important to rinse them under lukewarm water to wash away saliva and prevent plaque buildup.

Importance of Regular Rinsing

Regular rinsing keeps your aligners fresh and free from bacteria that can cause bad breath and oral infections. Carry a small container of water with you to rinse your aligners when you’re on the go. 

This simple step can make a significant difference in maintaining the cleanliness and freshness of your aligners throughout the day. Rinsing also helps prevent the buildup of plaque, which can lead to cavities and gum disease if left unchecked.

3. Avoid Staining: Remove Aligners When Eating or Drinking

To keep your aligners in pristine condition, always remove them when eating or drinking anything other than water. This habit not only prevents staining but also protects your aligners from damage.

Protecting Your Aligners

Eating with your aligners in can exert unnecessary pressure on them, potentially causing cracks or other damage. Food particles can also get trapped between your aligners and teeth, leading to bacterial growth and bad breath. 

By removing your aligners before meals, you can enjoy your food without worry and ensure that your aligners stay clean and intact. Additionally, chewing gum with aligners in can cause them to warp, compromising their fit and effectiveness.

4. Store Properly: Use a Protective Case

When not wearing your aligners, always store them in a protective case. This prevents loss and damage, ensuring that your treatment stays on track.

Staying Organized

Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, carrying a protective case with you is essential. This habit will keep your aligners safe and clean, reducing the risk of misplacement or breakage. 

A protective case also provides a hygienic place to store your aligners, preventing them from being exposed to bacteria or other contaminants. Always make it a habit to put your aligners in their case when you take them out, and avoid wrapping them in tissues or napkins, as this can lead to accidentally throwing them away.

5. Soak Weekly: Deep Cleaning for Optimal Hygiene

In addition to daily cleaning, give your aligners a deep clean once a week by soaking them in a cleaning solution.

Recommended Cleaning Solutions

Use Invisalign cleaning crystals or a retainer cleaner to soak your aligners. This helps remove any buildup that daily brushing might miss. Soaking your aligners once a week ensures they remain hygienic and effective. 

A deep clean can help eliminate any stubborn bacteria or plaque that regular rinsing and brushing might leave behind, ensuring that your aligners stay as clear and fresh as possible. Make it a part of your weekly routine to soak your aligners while you’re doing another regular activity, like watching TV or reading a book, so it becomes a seamless part of your schedule.

Steps for Soaking

  1. Prepare the Solution: Follow the instructions on your cleaning crystals or retainer cleaner to prepare the soaking solution.
  2. Soak the Aligners: Place your aligners in the solution and let them soak for the recommended amount of time, usually about 15-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse Thoroughly: After soaking, rinse your aligners under lukewarm water to remove any remaining cleaning solution before reinserting them.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your aligners stay in top condition, providing you with the best possible results from your Invisalign treatment.


Achieving a perfect smile with Invisalign is a journey that requires commitment and proper care. By following these expert tips from Magic Fox Orthodontics, you can ensure your aligners remain clean and effective throughout your treatment. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and taking care of your aligners will help you achieve the best possible outcome, giving you a beautiful, confident smile that you can be proud of.

Ready to start your Invisalign journey? Schedule your consultation with Magic Fox Orthodontics today and let us help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Call us at (714)-594-5777 or visit our office in Huntington Beach, CA. We look forward to being a part of your journey to a perfect smile!